2024 Winner

Anuradha Muralidharan

Chief Operating Officer & Board Member, Expensify

She Didn’t Want to Work In Finance — And Now She’s Changing the Game for Expense Management

When Anu Muralidharan graduated from college in 2009 during the midst of the Great Recession, she cold-called hundreds of companies before she snagged a spot in a rotational program at Citibank in the corporate finance division. Initially, she wasn’t interested in finance, but the job provided a good look into the inner workings of a national bank, experience she later leveraged to land her dream job at Expensify, an expense management software company. In her nearly nine years at the company, Muralidharan has risen up the ranks to COO and Board Member. She’s been credited with driving innovation and delivering solutions, particularly in the critical areas of fraud protection and payment risk control. She designed Expensify’s job distribution system, ExpensiWorks, which revolutionized assignment prioritization and agent performance management. And she played a key role in the development of the Expensify Card, a corporate card for the company’s customers, which has consistently shown double-digit year-over-year growth.

By Audrey Goodson Kingo