2024 Winner

Betsy Fore

Co-Founder & Board Member, Natives Rising

This Two-Time Founder of Million-Dollar Brands Is Making Tech More Welcoming to Indigenous Workers

While Native Americans make up 2.6% of the U.S. population, they comprise less than 0.005% of the country’s tech workforce. Betsy Fore, co-founder of Natives Rising, is aiming to change that by providing a career accelerator for Indigenous founders and Indigenous people in tech. In 2023, Natives Rising hosted its inaugural STEM camp in partnership with Microsoft, Google, the White House, and the State Department, bringing 50 Native high school juniors and seniors together in Washington, D.C. to learn more about STEM and entrepreneurship. And that’s just the beginning of Fore’s resume. She’s also founded not one but two multi-million dollar brands, including Tiny Organics, where she became the first Native American woman to raise a Series A when the brand received a fresh injection of $11 million in 2021. Tiny Organics, which has partnered with Michelle Obama, offers nutritious, ready-made meals for babies and toddlers, delivered directly to busy parents. She’s also an investment partner at XFactor Ventures, which has provided pre-seed and seed-stage capital for more than 100 companies founded by women.

By Audrey Goodson Kingo